
Making Room for Christmas

christmas need storage

It’s hard to believe that Christmas is only two weeks away!

And, like many others, you have pulled out the Christmas decorations and realized there’s just not enough room in the house to hide all the gifts, put up a tree, and set up the air mattress as a temporary bedroom for your house ...continue

Fall is Here

My favorite season is finally upon us and these are a few of my favorite things...

I can already smell the aroma of pumpkin pies baking, hot apple cider, and pots of hearty soup simmering on the stove top.

I love watching the fields of goldenrod bloom, the leaves change color and the ...continue

Fibromyalgia, It’s Not Your Imagination



Pain, fatigue, brain fog…these are just a few of the symptoms you experience with Fibromyalgia. And, for those who still say it’s all in your head, I can only hope they are never afflicted with the condition.

I’ve been experiencing a flare up for the past two weeks. I just want to pull ...continue

Our Perspective

It’s amazing how many different factors can affect our perspective—time, location, mood.

I was at one of my favorite places this past week, a beautiful garden in Maryland, and it was like I was seeing it through a completely different set of eyes. Each time I go I discover something new. It’s ...continue

Live, Laugh, Love

Live, Laugh, Love...they are three very powerful words and great ones I have come to strongly believe in. It is my favorite phrase.

It is inscribed on a plaque and hangs in my bedroom in a place for me to see as soon as I rise each morning. I went through some very traumatic events over the ...continue

My How Times Have Changed: Even Our Moving and Storage Needs

I have hit the age when I am beginning to notice, almost on a daily basis, how much the times have changed.

We’ve gone from:

Boom box to iPod
Pen and paper to Laptop
Offsite storage unit to Mobile storage container

What do all of these changes have in common? CONVENIENCE!

We have become ...continue

Amazing: A Simple Seedpod Brings Back Fond Childhood Memories

It’s amazing how watching something as simple as a seedpod, “helicopter”, floating down from a tree can bring rushing back fond childhood memories. I can see my great-grandmother in our very tiny side yard (we lived in town) hanging laundry as I tried catching the seedpods as they fell from the ...continue

Choices: When Something Bad Happens You Have Three Choices

Over the past year, I’ve gone through many changes in my life; and, as I mentioned in my last post, we have the choice to find the good in change. No matter how bad a situation may seem at the time, we have the ability to take away something positive.

Fortunately, along my journey, I had a very ...continue

Change: It CAN Be a Good Thing

When we are faced with change in our life, it can cause a gamut of emotions – from scared to happy, depressed to excited, or in some cases, all of the aforementioned.

For most of us, we have become extremely comfortable in our lives, such creatures of habit that we would rather stay the course ...continue

Finally: Time for Spring Clean Up

Flower podsI do believe spring is finally here to stay; and, along with the nice weather the clean-up begins. If you’re like me, you walk through the interior of your home, then walk around the exterior, stop and mumble – “Really? Where do I begin?”.

Since I love the outdoors so much, my plan of attack is ...continue